Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hello and Welcome!

Hello there.

I started this blog years ago. It originated from a school project that required I create a blog site. That was nice but I haven't really had a reason to use it. Since then my life has changed in many ways. The main source of change has been WLS (weight loss surgery).

I had an RNY gastric bypass in October of 2009. I have had a wonderful recovery with no complications so far. Before surgery I loved to cook and bake and I still do. While I like to think that I have cooked healthily for years, I know that there is room for improvement and that is what this is about.

My love for cooking and baking is just as strong now as it always has been. I would love to have my own bakery and make up tons of goodies every day, but I also need to take into account the limitations of my body and what I can and cannot have.

I will be posting recipes for food and baked goods that I make that will hopefully be mostly WLS friendly. I will also be experimenting with my recipes to try to make them more WLS friendly.

I hope you enjoy my journey!


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